Helping new mums find their feet through shoe design

Helping new mums find their feet through shoe design

As more new mums open up about the post baby blues, we wanted to do something this UK Mother’s Day for the mummas who take a bit longer to get back on their feet. So we created a baby shoe-making kit that uses the art of craft-making to empower women through periods of post-natal depression.

With the stigma around mental health finally being lifted and media, charities and celebrities now talking openly about it we decided to launch this new DIY kit to coincide with a time when new mother’s across the UK maybe seeking a little support.

As our Founder, Amanda perfectly puts it; it's all about showing that shoemaking is more than just about skills, for many of us creativity is a tool for empowerment.

“For me it’s about using business as a force for good and with the millions of marketing content that will be going out to new mums we wanted to do something a little different to support those mums who may need a helping hand. Through our courses we’ve seen first-hand how the power of making can help women overcome difficult times in their lives, we hope this kit will comfort women who are having a difficult time following giving birth.”

This message of using making as a tool for empowerment in combating spells of low mental health is echoed by Mind, the UK’s biggest mental health charity, in their annual Crafternoon campaign.

As postnatal depression is often underreported by women in the UK, this new initiative to use making as a tool for empowerment is something we're hoping the baby shoemaking kit will help tackle. Want to grab a pair for a mumma who could use a little DIY love? Or fancy making one for a little one in your own life?

Check out our Supply Shop to pick up a pair.

learn shoemaking for yourself

I created a free 40-minute online course called 'Introduction to Shoemaking' to show how easy home shoemaking can be and to give you a little taste of what I Can Make Shoes is all about.

SIGN UP HERE for instant access.

free i can make shoes shoemaking course

If you are wanting to dive a little deeper into the world of home shoemaking, my online Footwear Masterclass is one of the most popular shoemaking courses in the world!! 🌍 (Casual brag! lol)

The course covers how to make shoes from scratch including heels, flats, boots, sneakers, sandals, and more. The thing that really sets this course apart from others is that it's specifically designed for total beginners and requires very little in the way of tools & equipment, there's even a bonus module on how to start your own shoe brand. To make getting started even easier, the course comes with a FREE Shoemaking Starter Kit, delivered to your door, anywhere in the world! 🌍

We are a tight community and regularly limit our intake to ensure the best experience for our students - so if our enrolment is closed I would recommend you sign up for our FREE Introduction to Shoemaking course while you wait.

Happy Shoemaking, Amanda xx

Pssssssst.... If you want to have a look at the shoes our students have been making, give us a follow on Instagram.